
What are we believing about ourselves today? I ask my class participants this question quite often. Is what we are believing actually truth? How do we speak about and to ourselves, both internally and out loud? 

A sweet friend of mine described recurring thoughts as "sticky notes" on the walls of our minds and I think that is so accurate. I use sticky notes in my house (a LOT) because I walk by them often and I am purposefully reminded of the things I write on them. I would never write things on those sticky notes that served to tear me or others down. I would never write negative words. Yet we do this in our minds constantly. It's a battle. We return to negative thoughts and beliefs over and over. 

In a podcast I listened to recently from the Village Church, Matt Chandler labels false, degrading beliefs about ourselves as "accusations". What gives these accusations power? We AGREE with them! Beliefs that challenge our worth, intelligence, resilience, purpose...those are accusations with which we don't have to agree! 

So let's rip those sticky notes off the walls of our minds and replace them with the truth. Let me speak some truth to your heart today. Many of these truths are inspired by the Don't Give Up Signs Movement. I need to hear them too: 

You are enough. 

You matter. 

Your mistakes do not define you. 

You are worthy of love. 

Everything about your design is ON PURPOSE. 

Let's get specific this week about lies and accusations we habitually return to and agree with about ourselves. Let's replace lies with truth over and over. 

Now that we've done this for ourselves....can we commit to applying the same process to our beliefs about others? I bet we would see a beautiful ripple effect. 



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